Courses Library

SEO Audit Course
Over and over again I’ve seen SEO mistakes that not only was the site owner completely unaware of, but were also keeping the site from ranking in the top coveted positions in Google search. Let’s make sure that is not happening to you. This course will arm you with all the knowledge you need to SEO audit your own website so you can turn it into the traffic magnet your business deserves.

The SEO Keyword Treasure Map
Your keywords need to be relevant, popular and obtainable. Learn how to find your perfect keywords that your site can rank for that are also completely aligned with your ideal client’s or customer’s needs and desires.

Authority Builder
When you are known as an authority you have achieved expert status in your field. With this course, you get the roadmap to transform yourself into an authority. Learn how to hone your message for your tribe and attract raving fans.

Viral Social Media for Massive Traffic
There’s nothing like a successful viral social media campaign to grow your traffic and your business by leaps and bounds. Learn how to lay the groundwork for online authority that will power your SEO and open doors you might not know exist. Discover the secrets to creating viral content that spreads like wildfire.

Content Marketing Organic Traffic Fountain
Content marketing and SEO is a match made in heaven IF it’s done right. Unfortunately, far too often site owners waste time and effort creating content that is written for the wrong audience and also placed on sites that won’t benefit SEO one bit. If you want to build serious Google authority with content you’ve come to the right place.

Conversion Mastery
No matter where you are in your internet marketing career, you’ll want to turn your website into a finely tuned sales machine. Not only to get the most out of the traffic you are already getting, but also to lay the groundwork so that your traffic increases with your bottom line.