Stephan Spencer on NBC TV New Mexico - "Reboot Your Life"

This is a clip of Stephan’s interview about Reboot Your Life on NBC TV New Mexico.

Well, my next guest says there are four work mistakes that are costing you your health and your sanity. Here to explain more, Stephan Spencer. Stephan, good morning. Yeah, hopefully, in the new year, no one's going crazy in the workplace, but if you are, there are a few mistakes maybe that you're making, right?

Right, and Jimmy Kimmel uses a treadmill desk. Oprah manages stress with daily bubble baths. Barack Obama measures his steps with a Fitbit.

Nice. I need to friend him with my Fitbit over here. Yeah, okay.

These are great techniques. So, maintaining your health is really important, especially when you have a demanding job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, full-time employees work nine hours a day.

So, you don't want all that work to slowly kill you. As a host of the Get Ypurself Optimized podcast, I interview all of these world-class experts on wellness. People like John Gray and Dave Asprey. So, I brought four great wellness workplace tips to avoid.

Okay, yeah. The first one is bad posture. It's hard. I mean, I do it too. I need to. I really want to work on posture. So, help us out. How can we work on posture?

Great. So, I have two solutions. One is low tech. It's Just simply a styrofoam roll. You put it behind your lower back for about 10 minutes.

At your desk every day or at home?

While you're sitting, yep.

Okay.Yep. And 20 minutes of break or 30 minutes and then back to 10 minutes with the roll. So that's a great one. I also have with me I'm a geeky kind of guy. I love gadgets. So this is a Lumo Lift. So, you attach it right underneath your collarbone. With this magnet, this part goes underneath your shirt.

And that vibrates when you're slouching.

Oh my gosh!

So about 30 minutes of slouching, and it vibrates to remind you to sit straight.

Dang! Okay, where can you get this?

Just online.



Cool. Okay. Alright, that's kind of cool to let you know; it should just shock you if you're being bad.

Well, I don't know about that. There is something that does that. But that's for another segment.  

Okay, another mistake: stress?

Yeah, so let's talk about stress. Because if you are in a typical kind of job, stress is just part of life. Sure. But we need an outlet for that stress. So, I have a couple of gadgets here. This is the Spire. It's a breathing tracker. You just attach it to your belt, and it will track your breathing so you can breathe more deeply. Yes, this part, the stone part, goes close to your body.


And then I have this, the Muse Meditation Helper. Why don't you give that a try? So, that will track your brainwaves. Yes.

Oh, man.

Perfect. You look very geeky.

Am I here? I am all here? Okay.

So, that will help you get into a brainwave state that's gonna get you, like, Pretty zen-like.

Is there an app that goes with this?

Of course. What's going on? These all have apps.

The app is not working. There's nothing going on on his phone right now, clearly.

Well, you have a Fitbit, but I have an Oura Ring.

Okay, yeah, let's talk about that.

So, this is another mistake to avoid.

An Oura Ring, okay.

Is sitting too much sitting too long without stretches. So, this reminds me, gets a little passive aggressive with me with the matching app. It says, isn't it about time you stretch your legs a little?


Right? So that's a great one. Then my final mistake to avoid is blue light. You know, working on these laptops and.

Or in bed on our phones.  

Late at night, especially, we get blue light exposure. So I've got these great glasses. These are called Twilights from True Dark. You put those on. I'll put the Daywalker ones on. These are for more daytime. That's for the evening. You'll be ready for bed in about 15 minutes if you're not used to wearing these. It's really pretty powerful. Also, if you don't want to wear these glasses, you can use a filter on your phone.

You know, like on my phone, I have an iPhone, so I just used the night shift feature. You also have a great app called Flux, available for Android and for different laptops.

Alright, listen, for more tips and tricks, go online, stephanspencer. com. You can check out his podcast, Get Yourself Optimized, for more information.

His book is available, Geek Revolution, on

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