This is a clip of Stephan’s interview about Are You a Geek? on CBS TV Phoenix.
Geeking out over here in the newsroom. And I have a feeling you might be, too. I hope my husband's watching. Big geek.
All right, we have author and podcaster Stephan Spencer here with a way to kind of test to see if you have an inner geek hiding deep inside. We both already say yes, but there's a quiz, Stephan. So, run us through a couple of these questions.
Right, so Captain America, Wonder Woman, the Incredible Hulk, I saw them all yesterday walking the streets of downtown Phoenix because it's Comic-Con. Everyone's got their geek on.
You know, people are proud to be geeks these days. They're waving the geek flag. You know, 87% of the general population say they do not sneak their geek. They're not hiding embarrassing passions or interests.
There's a lot of pride downtown right now.
Being a geek has never been cooler. It's getting cooler every day. So let's take the test and find out. Are you guys geeks?
Okay, first question. Do you take pride in your geek toys?
Such as?
Such as collectibles, stuffed animals and gadgets.
Yes. I've got the BB-8. A little squeezy BB-8.
Okay. So, do you have more than 50 apps installed on your phone?
Yes, for sure.
All right, excellent. Okay, question three.
Do you have more than 50?
Well, actually, I'll give you a really good one here. Do you have a drone or any kind of robot, including a Roomba?
I have a drone that's currently stuck up in a palm tree, so that's kind of okay.
All right, last question: We have more questions on Get Yourself Optimized, but the last question is, have you ever taught yourself an artificial language like Klingon or Elvis?
No, that's too much.
That's where I draw the line.
Totally okay. But now, let's turn you guys into the ultimate geeks with these ultimate geek toys.
What are these?I brought with me the Zeo Sleep Tracker. So go ahead and slap that on your forehead.
On my head?
Yep. This is the Muse Meditation Helper. So that goes behind your ears.
What do I do with this, though?
You wear it when you sleep.
Oh, when I sleep and it tells me.
It's a matching app and it tells you when you're in deep sleep.
So, it measures your REM.
And deep sleep and light sleep. This is the HEALBE GoBe Health Tracker.
With this, okay.
Yep, so you put that on your wrist and that tracks all sorts of things like your intake of carbs and proteins and so forth.
I don't want to do that. Right, right.
Better left unsaid. This is the Spire Meditation and it's a mindfulness tracker. So what it does is it tracks your breathing. You just clip that on.
Oh, okay. Yeah, very cool.
And last but not least, this is my very own personal Iron Man costume I'm wearing at Comic-Con.
Oh, are you?
So go ahead and put this on.
What is it about Iron Man that really hooks you? Why him? Why Iron Man versus some of the other ones?
Because he's just a regular smart guy like myself, he can transform himself into a superhero and change the world, make the world a better place.
You were saying you were having a good hair day. Now look at you.
You should have thrown that on my head.
So, Stephan, you're a pretty popular podcaster. How can people find you on iTunes?Right. Find me on GetYourselfOptimezed.com or search on iTunes for the Get Yourself Optimezed later today. Thank you. Yes. Geeks unite. Yes, geeks unite and geek is chic. I'll see you at Phoenix Comic Con.
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