New Zealand comparison shopping engine Ferrit is no more. They blew through an incredible amount of money, had their day in the sun, and now they are gone.
I’m sad about that. Not because they were a past client of Netconcepts (back when they had money). But because they were a comparison shopping engine that had a shot at making it – of successfully crossing over into the mainstream. Indeed, much of New Zealand knew of Ferrit, due in large part to the series of funny TV commercials they became known for. Here’s one of my favorites, below.
“A book on India”! Haha, umm, not exactly! Oh, and the donkey came from a “completely different website”. Classic!
Brand recognition of Ferrit was high among consumers. But yet they weren’t moving product.
Is there a lesson to be learned for the global comparison shopping engines? Certainly nothing to be learned by Google for Google Product Search. But for everyone else (Shopzilla, Become, TheFind, etc.), sure. I think the lesson is in how to “cross the chasm” into the mainstream and live to tell the tale.
There is no comparison between ferrit and or The size of the markets in new zealand and united states is vastly different, so you cannot compare these businesses.
It is sad to see such a firm go under, if only they had implemented the right SEO and PPC strategy.
sad to hear for what happened to ferrit but that is business. some goes up, some goes down. we just have to be keen in finding another SEO
Of course, Ferrit can not be compared with TheFind and others. It is our life and there is nothing to do with it. Yes, it is a pity but I agree with Kenneth that some goes up and some goes down but let’s hope for the best.
This kind of sad. Good info, hopefully the economy will come back