Jay Abraham is a legend in the marketing world. Over the course of his illustrious career, he’s founded his own consulting firm, authored a dozen books, and counseled some of the world’s most prominent business gurus.
Few marketers can match his resume, which is why he’s widely known as “the godfather of marketing.” He’s also earned the nickname the $21.7 billion man because he’s generated that massive amount of revenue for his clients.
I’ve had the honor of hosting Jay on my podcasts three times, twice on Marketing Speak and recently on Get Yourself Optimized. During our chats, Jay shared some tips that helped him generate billions in revenue.
1. Invest in Outcomes
Jay famously wrote the book Stealth Marketing – Recession Proofing Your Business, which detailed his strategies for securing big clients in times of economic recession. The only caveat? The book cost $1,000. The book sold out of the original printing in just two weeks. Jay managed to sell books for $1,000 each and raise his consulting rates to $100,000 not by focusing on his own profits. Instead, he invested in outcomes. In his own words, adding real value for people is what allowed him to become infinitely more profitable.
2. Aim to Become the Preeminent Expert in Your Field
How was Jay able to become one of the most sought after marketing consultants in the world? He says it’s all about creating a belief system for your target market. They need to see you as the most trusted advisor they’ve ever had. In order to gain that trust, Jay invests time to reflect and understand his different market segments. He treats each market as a unique entity and seeks to deliver custom value to each one.
3. Understand What Greatness Looks Like
We all want to be great. But what does greatness look like? If you don’t have a clear cut vision for your greatness, you’re probably not going to achieve it. When Jay set his goals, he is always sure to conceptualize what greatness looks like in all facets of his life. He looks to successful people and tries to understand what drives them to greatness. He then takes a look at which factors are his biggest roadblocks to success. He’s been able to become wildly successful by emulating others and making strategic changes in his life.
4. Take a Systematic Approach
Let’s face it: we all want the easiest path to success. But Jay believes that too many people strive to go from mediocrity to greatness in one fell swoop. Attending a seminar or getting a consult won’t instantaneously revolutionize your career. You have to have a process. Jay recommends taking a slow, methodical approach and incremental steps towards success.
5. Read Strategic Books
It’s no secret that successful people read. Jay believes that many marketers, however, choose to invest in the wrong kinds of books. Marketing books tend to focus largely on tactics. Jay largely avoids these books and chooses books focused on the big picture in marketing. His advice? Read books about strategic mindsets. His favorites include My Life In Advertising, Scientific Advertising, Taken at the Flood, and How to Write a Great Advertisement.
Looking for more great tips? Check out Jay’s books Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got, The Sticking Point Solution and Recession Proofing Your Business to help elevate your marketing. Don’t forget to listen to my interview with Jay on Marketing Speak and Get Yourself Optimized podcast!
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